It's Official

We Are Getting Married


Samuel Simpson


Matilda Abakah




When is the Wedding

24 December 2021

Where will the Wedding be

St. Paul Methodist Cathedral,

Community One, Tema

What time should I get there

1:00 pm

Dress Code

Exquisite with a dash of Comfort

When & Where is the Reception


Immediately after the Wedding at the Church Premises


Victoria: 0541 168 302

Gloria: 0504 230 287


Are you coming


Your presence is more than enough to make us feel special.

If you still insist on gifting us, we cant deny you the opportunity.

Here's how:

Samuel Simpson

0242 524 706


Matilda Abakah

0206 468 819



SIMPLLY (Your Name)

God bless you bountifully!

Our Story

"You are all the colours in one, at full brightness."

- Jennifer Niven

We will first want to introduce ourselves

I'm Samuel, most people know me as Simps.

I'm Matilda, Tilly by almost everyone.


SIMP(s) + Ti(LLY)

How long have you known each other

Since 2011

Where did you first meet

Vacation classes 😂

What was your first thought of him/her when you first met

Tilly: "Too known boy", who doesn't have an audible voice 🙄

Simps: She says I'm a "too known" boy? Ei Boks! 😂 I thought she was rather a quiet girl but charley... 😂

How did you kick it off

Tilly: I never gave him my number but he got in touch a day after we met & we’ve been talking since that day … literally 😊

Simps: PS:She dislikes this story but here it goes 😂.
I’ve wanted to know her for sometime though😊 ..before I finally met her…..I remember how I smiled at her when we met by the fanice vendor. I said hi, and she said hi back to me. Never spoken to her before, but I confidently asked her to buy me 1 Fanyogo (though it was my turn before hers) and she willingly did. I jokingly asked for a second one, and she got me an extra ❤️. Everything just fell into place right after that.

Favorite hangout

Simps: Beach .. having those convos, enjoying the moments with all the breeze.

Tilly: Yes, the beach ..

How long have you been together

Simps: Just like wine gets better with age, you keep getting so beautiful.

Tilly: Aawww* I’m blushing… ok back to the question, we’ve been together for a few years, (if you don’t gerrit, then forgeh abourrit)
clears throat both laugh so hard 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Got any favourite TV shows or series y’all interested in together

Simps: Okay I think we both loved Narcos - Colombia (Pablo Escobar), Game of Thrones and Power. And oh we love to watch NBA all star weekend together (I had to introduce it that to her. And it went well 😊).

Tilly: Oh yes! 😊 NBA all star weekend is fun! For the series, Simps is yet to complete Money Heist then we are on the same page.

What can you say in your life right now that, you’ve learnt from each other

Simps: First thing for her is, she’s learnt how to chew raw ginger 😂.
Above all, it’s been her patience and her walk of faith with God for me 💯.

Tilly: This ginger thing!! 😩🤣 One time I had a terrible sore throat, kinda "lost my voice" but I had been treating it for a long time but not much progress. Then he brought me peeled ginger .. I’m like for what? He said "to chew". I’m like NO WAY!! Never done that before! Like add some sugar erh… he insisted. NO! It was a STRUGGLE…but I chewed it! It worked on the sore throat … (the bragging after it worked … I didn’t hear anything for like days 🤣🤣🤣)
What I have admired about him is his authenticity (no fake zone) & his ever accommodating aura.

Most ridiculous turn of events

Tilly: We were headed to a Joe Mettle concert on Christmas Day (even began to stream the concert from Tema) but ended up at Pinocchio Osu for an ice cream date!
How we ended up there.. don’t ask us … WE DON'T KNOW! 🤣

Simps: She hyped one restaurant in cantonments (name withheld) & we ended going there for one of our date nights. She ordered for an exotic meal in the name of "boujie". At the sight of the Food she gave up 🤣. Even called back the waiter to be sure he heard the order she made. Goodness! 😂 She ate my "simple fries and chicken" without asking 😂.

Most scary experience

Tilly: We drove during heavy rains & flood waters. I kept praying loudly all through…

Simps: When she first drove me 😂.
Y’all can delete this comment please don’t let her see this 😂.

Funniest experience

Simps: Can’t recall , but we laugh together a lot.

Tilly: Same here ..we are laughing most days so can’t tell

Did you know you will get married

Tilly: Initially no; just knew we would be great friends … later on, yeap

Simps: On the start of things, it was a no .. but "A few moments later" (computerized voice) it was SIMPLLY.

What has kept you together this long

Simps: Mutual understanding & good conflict resolution . We’ve had our own ups and downs but we did a good job on making amends whenever.

Tilly: Nodding* that’s true .. we just know how to get back when we fight no matter how ugly it is. At the end of the day; he will be like "who should I go n talk to when you mad at me? I’ll be here till we cool again …which would be soon". The nerve! 🙄🤣🤣

What do you like the most about each other

Tilly: He’s very accommodating & a real life "sweet heart"

Simps: She’s a very smart woman with a caring nature and a kind heart. Love you Boks!

What is something you both are proud of since you got together

Tilly: Being each other’s biggest fan.

Simps: Yeah basically that. Being each other’s biggest fan.

Looking forward to 24th??

Simps: Definitely!!!

Tilly: Where would you rather be?? 😂😂

Who’s ready to celebrate?? 🥳

Join us celebrate as we begin our journey together.

this is


our love story

We hope you can make it.